I thought I had turned my back on science by turning to therapies when in fact the common denominator is the human body which is, in my opinion, the greatest machine ever built.
Through the products supporting our basic needs of sleep, water, nutrition and energy, we can become the best version of ourselves. The 5 elements of health are water, light, air, food and the magnetic field of the earth without which we would be dead within days. By using recommended products and creating a Wellness Home, we can bring the outside in and it is my belief that many of today’s modern illnesses are due in part to people being dehydrated, sleep deprived and disconnected from the healing energies of the earth’s magnetic field; something unseen yet so powerful.
When the body has all it needs, it functions at its best.
In Japan, conditions such as fibromyalgia are called ‘Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome’ and this to me with a scientific mind is fascinating. As a therapist I see many people who are suffering with discomfort in their body, anxiety, sleep challenges and lack of brain clarity; all symptoms of lack of geomagnetic connection and oxidative stress. We live in well insulated buildings and homes surrounded by an electronic ‘soup’ of EMF’s from all the electrical devices we now use and if we support our own energy fields we can coexist better with the technologies that appear to be here to stay.
It is my mission to empower people with knowledge to make the right decisions to be proactive preventing illness in the first instance rather than reacting to disease when it happens.
To be Healthy by Choice not by Chance
Welcome to a range of products that can help you sleep, hydrate you optimally with the best clean, most natural tasting filtered water I have ever tasted and give you so much energy, you will think you have had rocket fuel for breakfast every day.